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Monday, January 26, 2009

Carve Wright Customer Gallery

I sent some pictures of work I had done before I got my Carve Wright and after to the Carve Wright site for them to consider for posting in their Carve Wright Customer Gallery and they did. If you would like to view that site go to :

Sunday, January 25, 2009

CarveWright Quick Release Chuck Modifications

I really love the machine and this was one area I felt was a little difficult for me. So, not being able to leave it as is, I made the following modifications:

1. Removed the sharp angle in the outer ring of the Quick Chuck where it seats the bit into a 1/16 radius and removed the black oxide in the process

2. Removed the LockTitle, rough burns and black oxide from the allen head set screws on the bit

3. Used Lube on the mating chuck outer mating surface and on the ball bearnings that seat the bit

I have created a video on YouTube with my son's help to cover this as well.

I have the added the still pictures here as reference. I have also posted about this on the CarveWright Forum in a much shorter discussion.

I felt this was the best and most complete way for me to cover this issue.

I have also created a blog entry on the tool I created to remove the Quick Release Chuck.

My Video

Picture of Quick Chuck on CarveWright

Quick Release Chuck

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wrench I made to work on my CarveWright

Here is a photo of the wrench I made to work on my the CarveWright machine.

I needed a thin 7/8" wrench to remove the quick release chuck on my CarveWright machine and it needed to be only about 1/8" thick. I also needed one 12mm and the same thickness to be able to adjust or work on removing the Z truck.

I made the tool out of some old flat stock that I had. I ground them out with the Dermel tool and used the cut off wheels to rough them out. I then filed and fitted them to size trying them on the parts I would be working on.

Being a retired Die Maker and knowing that home stores wouldn’t have anything like that, I had a new project :-)

I saved a dime or two and shipping time.


When you get a splinter, you’ve got wood working in your blood!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wood Working with CarveWright

Well I'm adding this to tell about a machine I bought a little over a year ago. It's a three axis computer driven router made by LHR Industeries. I have a link to there site at the right, where you can find out all about it.

I've really enjoyed having it so far, even though the learning curve has been a long and hard one for me.

I'll be adding more about it as I go on.